Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church is a proud congregation member of the North American Lutheran Church and Augsburg Lutheran Churches.

We welcome all who wish to worship. 

Communion is open and is available at all services.

Our worship service is Sunday morning at 9:00 AM. We are live streaming the Sunday morning service on YouTube.  We are also recording the service for viewing at a later date for your convenience. Please use the YouTube icon on this page to take you to our YouTube channel.

Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the Sunday service.  The second Sunday of each month brunch is served.  Also check out our calendar for upcoming services and events.

Please see the church calendar for Lenten and Holy Week services and times.

We look forward to seeing you!

Proverbs 13:21
Evil pursueth sinners; But the righteous shall be recompensed with good.

Galatians Chapter 1 - American Standard Version

Paul, an apostle (not from men, neither through man, but through Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead),
and all the brethren that are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:
Grace to you and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ,
who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us out of this present evil world, according to the will of our God and Father:
to whom [be] the glory for ever and ever. Amen.
I marvel that ye are so quickly removing from him that called you in the grace of Christ unto a different gospel;
which is not another [gospel] only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach unto you any gospel other than that which we preached unto you, let him be anathema.
As we have said before, so say I now again, if any man preacheth unto you any gospel other than that which ye received, let him be anathema.
For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? or am I striving to please men? if I were still pleasing men, I should not be a servant of Christ.
For I make known to you, brethren, as touching the gospel which was preached by me, that it is not after man.
For neither did I receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but [it came to me] through revelation of Jesus Christ.
For ye have heard of my manner of life in time past in the Jews` religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and made havoc of it:
and I advanced in the Jews` religion beyond many of mine own age among my countrymen, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers.
But when it was the good pleasure of God, who separated me, [even] from my mother`s womb, and called me through his grace,
to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the Gentiles; straightway I conferred not with flesh and blood:
neither went I up to Jerusalem to them that were apostles before me: but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned unto Damascus.
Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and tarried with him fifteen days.
But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord`s brother.
Now touching the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not.
Then I came unto the regions of Syria and Cilicia.
And I was still unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:
but they only heard say, He that once persecuted us now preacheth the faith of which he once made havoc;
and they glorified God in me.


Pastor Office Hours

Monday - Off

Tuesdays - As needed

Wednesdays - 9 AM to Noon and 3 - 5 pm

Thursday - 9 am - 1 pm

Fridays - 9 am - 1 pm

Saturday - As needed

Sunday - Worship



If you are looking for a calendar of events at Shepherd, please go into the latest newsletter, you will find two months' worth of calendars in each newsletter ...the current month and the upcoming month!  You will also find all kinds of information regarding upcoming events within the newsletter.  Enjoy....

Daily Golden Verse

Psalms 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And light unto my path.

Mission Statement

Empowered by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ, we are a loving community that follows Jesus and seeks to hear the Word of God and practice it in our daily lives.